1. What is your real name?
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
4. Tell us a little about yourself (use 25 words or less).
5. Have you played Retail WoW and if so, for how long?
6. Do you have acces to a retail account?
7. Have you had previous experience as a Developer?
7a. If so where and how long?
8. What coding Languages do you know (c++ is required)?
9. What is the purpose of an
10. Provide a Sun++ (https://svn.assembla.com/svn/sunplusplus/) boss/quest script with a wowhead link to the scripted boss or quest (!) (one that's not public) [required] (C++ ONLY):
11. Write down a small function (20 lines max) that writes 10 random numbers into a file [required] (C++ ONLY):
12. What is a pointer?
13. What is the difference between raw and shared pointers?
14. What is the purpose of a iterator?
#10 and #11 is a MUST! No scripts for custom bosses or quests are accepted, if we find out that your script was released by somebody, it will be a straight denial! The script must be fully using Ascent and Sun++ AI, any uncompilable scripts won't be taken into account.
The script must be of at least level 70 quest or boss as low level ones are too undercomplicated.